Chanukah will be here in a mere week. The first night is December 4. Light your first candle on Tuesday night.

Chanukah in the Headlights!
Here’s an email I got from Julie on this list:
I used to have a great list of Hanukkah activities to do with the kids, and I can’t seem to find it this year. We always like to do special activities with the kids each day of Hanukkah in lieu of gifts, especially since Christmas is so centered around gifts; it makes Hanukkah special and unique.
So, are some ideas that I’ve come up with, in no particular order: (this obviously all in addition to lighting the candles on the menorah each night!)
1. baking and decorating Hanukkah-shaped sugar cookies for our neighbors
2. delivering the cookies to our neighbors
3. going out to doughnuts for breakfast (we NEVER let the kids have them, so it’s a real treat!)
4. watching a Hanukkah movie (something on PBS, usually)
5. playing the dreidel game
6. singing Hanukkah songs (actually, making up our own)
7. art activities (Hanukkah themed coloring pages, stickers, etc.)
8. making and eating latkes
I would love to hear any other ideas you may have.
What else can you do? Let’s revisit some of suggestions from previous years.
Try some of these or make up your own and share them with us.
reading night - everyone who can read, reads aloud to the family/gathering
grandparents night - invite over someone old enough to be a grandparent and enjoy their stories
baking night - make cookies and decorate them, give some away, eat the rest
music night sing, play instruments, those who can’t sing - dance
theater night - go out to one of the many plays being performed (or ballet or concert)
crafts night - get a book on crafts or search the internet. Make paper boxes or decorations, use Femo to make ornaments or a menorah
performance night - give the kids old clothes and let them make up a play and put it on for you (as a child, our plays ran towards a western theme - cowboys and salon girls, and we cross dressed to get the role of our choice)
friends night - invite over your best friends and talk late into night
fireplace night - make a fire and toast marshmallows
games night - play all the games you know - board games, interactive games like charades
love night - everyone writes letters or cards (you can make them too) and sends them to five people they love
How about a “stuff-free holiday”?
I found an interesting website that advocted for less stuff and more pleasure. Take a look.
Exploring the Sikh Religion (San Francisco)
Saturday Night at the Movies (Saratoga)
Hanukkah Sale (Oakland)
Jews, Christians and Muslims in Conversation (San Francisco)
Reenergizing Chanukah (Lafayette)
Hanukkah Treats (San Francisco)
Shabbat, Hanukkah Services and Dinner (San Leandro)
Chanukah Shabbat (San Francisco)
Family Service and Hanukkah Dinner (Oakland)
Chanukah Shabbat (Lafayette)
Got Shabbat? (San Francisco)
Hanukkah Party (Berkeley)
Family Chanukah Party (Livermore)
Annual Latkepalooza! Hanukkah Celebration (Foster City)
Chanukah Fun for the Whole Family (San Francisco)
Putting The Ha! In Hanukkah (San Francisco)
Family Shabbat and Pizza Night (San Ramon)
A Concert Starring YOU! (Piedmont)
The Latke Ball (San Francisco)
An Introduction to Jewish Texts, Holidays, and Lifecycle (San Mateo)
Pajama Party (Los Gatos)
Exploring the Sikh Religion
Discussions with Bay Area Religious Leaders
Gurbux Kahlon, Lay Leader, El Sobrante Sikh Temple
Optional, come at 6:30 pm. Bring a brown bag dinner and we will supply drinks and cookies.
No charge.
Date: Wednesday, Nov. 28
Time: 7:00 - 8:45 pm
Place: 5th floor classroom, Emanu-el, 2 Lake St., San Francisco
For more information, please contact Frana Price at (415) 751-2541 x151 or .
Saturday Night at the Movies
Join us for Havdallah by viewing the infectious road movie “Yippee! A Jewish Journey of Joy” which chronicles director Paul Mazursky’s journey to Uman, a Ukrainian town where 25,000 (mostly Hassidic) Jews make annual pilgrimages to the burial place of Rabbi Nachman.
Date: Sat., Dec. 1
Time: 7:30pm
Place: Congregation Beth David, 19700 Prospect Rd., Saratoga
for more information call 408-257-3333.
Hanukkah Sale
Fabulous collection of menorahs, dreidels, gelt, candles, books, cards, toys, gift warp, mezuzahs and much more! Come see.
Date: Dec. 2
Time: 9am to 1pm
Place: Temple Sinai, 2808 Summit St. Oakland
for more info call 510-451-3263.
Jews, Christians and Muslims in Conversation
Giving for Goodness Sake
Concept of Charity in Abrahamic Tradition
Part of an ongoing series with reflections by Rabbi Doug Kahn, Executive Director of the Jewish Community Relations Council and leaders from the Christian and Muslim communities followed by group discussion.
Date: Sunday, Dec. 2
Time: 5 to 8pm
Place: St. Mary's Cathedral, Gough and Geary, San Francisco
Cost: $20 includes a vegetarian dinner; advance reservations requested by (415) 794-1516 or
Sponsored by the Bay Area Cultural Connections, Interfaith Center at the Presidio, Islamic Society of San Francisco, Jewish Community Relations Council, San Francisco Interfaith Council, United Muslims of America and the United Religions Initiative.
Reenergizing Chanukah
Join Rabbi Forrest and the Outreach Committee for a discussion on how to move your Chanukah celebrations beyond the gifts and glitter. We will focus on the history, traditions and meaning of this festival of lights.
Date: Sunday, December 2
Time: 9:15 - 10:15am
Place: Temple Isaiah, 3800 Mt. Diablo Blvd, Lafayette
For more information call the synagogue at 925-283-7585
Hanukkah Treats
Learn how to make delicious treats in time for your family’s holiday celebration. On the menu are do-ahead latkes with applesauce, tropical fruit salsa, wild mushroom and winter greens soup and Judith’s Cheesecake! All recipes can be prepared quickly and easily, giving you time to enjoy this winter festival with your friends and family. Fill your home with the wonderful smells of the holiday season!
Date: Monday, Dec. 3
Time: 6:30 to 9:30pm
Place: SF JCC, 3200 California St., San Francisco
Cost: $50/non-members, $45/members of the SF JCC
For more information call 415-292-1200 or go to the website
Shabbat, Hanukkah Services and Dinner
Please remember that we will be lighting the Hanukkah candles on the roof at 6pm, and services start at 6:30pm. Don’t forget to bring your own menorah for your table to light! It is a wonderful sight to see in Zucker Hall, all the lights dancing!
Please call the office to RSVP at 510-357-8505, for the dinner so we know how many to plan for.
This way we will be sure there will be enough.
Date: Friday, Dec. 7
Time: 6pm
Place: Beth Sholom, 642 Dolores Ave., San Leandro
Cost: $10 adults, $5 kids, 5 and under free.
RSVP by calling the synagogue at 510-357-8505.
Chanukah Shabbat
Celebrate Chanukah With Us!
Klezmer music provided during and after dinner by Marguerite Ostro and Kugelplex!
Dancing led by Bruce Bierman, our Religious School Dance Instructor!
Great Chanukah Dreidle playoff with prizes for kids of all ages!
Date: Friday, December 7
Time: 6:00 p.m. Chanukah Shabbat Service
Bring your chanukiah (menorah) for our communal 4th night candlelighting, we provide the candles
7:15 p.m. Delicious Latke Dinner catered by Townsend Restaurant
Place: Sherith Israel, 2266 California St., San Francisco
Cost: $24 Members, $36 Non-members, $10 Children over 5 years old, children under 5 free
Please RSVP and send a check payable to Sherith Israel by Tuesday, December 4 to:
Christina Olague
Sherith Israel
2266 California Street
San Francisco, CA 94115
Family Service and Hanukkah Dinner
Celebrate Hanukkah with the Temple Sinai community! A brief and joyous holiday service plus candlelighting, wonderful singing, dreidle playing, art activities and much holiday ruach (spirit).
You bring your own dinner; plus family, friends and a festive mood. You bring your main meal, we provide latkes, donuts, coffee and tea and plates and utensils. So remember to reserve space by Dec. 3.
Date: Friday, Dec. 7
Time: 6:30pm
Place: Temple Sinai, 2808 Summit St., Oakland
To Reserve your space all LaTrell at 510-451-0313.

Chanukah Shabbat
Join the members of Temple Isaiah for a rousing service with the KlezTones!
Date: Friday, Dec. 7
Time: 6:30pm
Place: Temple Isaiah, 3800 Mt. Diablo Blvd., Lafayette
Got Shabbat?
Join us for a Shabbat morning experience at Temple Emanu-El.
Families with children of all ages are welcome!
We will meet on the 2nd Saturday morning of each month. Starting at 10:45 am, your family will enjoy a short service, arts-n-crafts, music with Jonathan Bayer...and of course, a nosh!
Date: Saturday, Dec. 8
Time: 10:45am
Place: Emanu-El, 2 Lake St., San Francisco
Mark your calendars for Got Shabbat: Jan. 12, Feb. 9, Mar. 8, Apr. 12, May 10, June 14.
For more information call the synagogue at 415-751-3525.
Hanukkah Party
Come celebrate Hanukkah with us! The fair features community candle lighting, holiday storytelling, live entertainment by Gary Lapow and Ira Levin, arts and crafts booths to make presents for the holiday... and of course, lots of latkes! Admission is free to this fun-packed community Hanukkah fair, so bring your friends and family.
Date: Sunday, December 9
Time: 12pm-4pm
Place: JCC East Bay, 1414 Walnut Street, Berkeley
ADMISSION FREE (latkes and drinks for sale)
For more information call the JCC at 510-848-0237
Family Chanukah Party
We'll cook latkes, play games and light candles. Bring a potato and a donation of boxed or canned food for the Alameda County Food Bank.
Date: Sunday, December 9
Time: 10:30 to 12:30pm
Place: Bothwell Center, 2466 Eighth St. in Livermore
Cost: Free to members, $10/household for non-members.
For information, reservations and directions, call (925) 485-1049 or e-mail
Annual Latkepalooza! Hanukkah Celebration
Join the fun and don't miss the North Peninsula's annual community wide Hanukkah celebration! Please remember to stop by JCF's resource area to decorate Hanukkah cards! All cards and wishes will be given to Jewish Family and Children's Services and distributed around the local senior community. The PJCC has a wonderful line up of entertainment this year including: jazz-world-music Israeli band, Seeds of Sun, entertainment for children, a wine and cheese reception with artist Chanan Getraide and of course, lots of latkes! A communal candle-lighting will mark the sixth night of Hanukkah.
Date: Sunday, December 9
Time: 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Place: Peninsula JCC, 800 Foster City Blvd., Foster City
Admission: Free!
Contact: North Peninsula Region, 650.349.1523,
Sponsored by: Peninsula Jewish Community Center, Women's Alliance.
Chanukah Fun for the Whole Family
"Michael Katz launched into his first tale, silence reigned, Katz is a versatile performer and wonderful storyteller." -- Los Angeles Times
Bring the whole family to hear stories by Isaac Bashevis Singer, Rabbi Nachman of Bratzlav, and other favorites. Storyteller Michael Katz tells stories with his own highly energetic, animated and interactive style of storytelling. Michael's incredible character voices, inventive movements and rubberlike, expressive face captivates people of all ages; he has a way of creating a magical relationship between the audience and performer. His performances awaken the audience to the richness of a story, weaving together both the comic and the profound.
Date: Sun. Dec. 9
Times: Two shows only at1pm and 3:30pm
Place: A Traveling Jewish Theater, 470 Florida St., San Francisco
Cost: $18 general $10 kids
Putting The Ha! In Hanukkah
The acclaimed music duo Good For the Jews bring their tour to San Francisco with a night of irreverent music and comedy at the Great American Music Hall on the ninth night of Hanukkah. All faiths are welcome! Special guest opening act is comic Nato Green.
The Good For the Jews tour is being sponsored by Heeb magazine. Heeb recently named Good For the Jews singer Rob Tannenbaum to the Heeb 100, an elite list of "young, smart and innovative" Jews in the arts.
Date: Wed., December 12
Time: 7pm doors open, 8pm show
Place: The Great American Music Hall, 859 O'Farrell St., San Francisco
Cost: $20 (go to the website - they don’t take phone orders)
Family Shabbat and Pizza Night
A Secular Humanistic get-together for families with young kids. We sing a couple of songs, light candles and order in pizza. The kids play, the adults schmooze, and everyone is home in time for bed.
Date: Friday, December 14
Time: 6 p.m.
Place: San Ramon. (It's a private home, call for details.)
Cost: $6/adult, kids free.
For information, reservations and directions, call (925) 485-1049 or e-mail
A Concert Starring YOU!
This concert is the culmination of Linda's singing workshops held over the last five weeks, as Linda and singing friends from our community have built to an exhilarating, inspiring performance. The songs will be a musical tapestry that celebrates the uncommon and common events of life sung in English, Hebrew, Yiddish and Ladino. They will include songs of freedom, peace and healing.
Date: Saturday, December 15
Time: 7:00pm.
Place: Kehilla, 1300 Grand Ave., Piedmont
Tickets: $10 in advance, $15 at the door.
To purchase concert tickets in advance, send check payable to Kehilla to the Kehilla office, 1300 Grand Ave., Piedmont, CA 94610, and write “Concert Starring You” in the memo line.
For more information call the Beth Sholom office, at 510-357-8505.
The Latke Ball
The original and- best annual party for Jewish young adults in the Bay Area! Over a thousand people enjoy amazing DJs and live entertainment and party until 2:00 a.m. We will be hosting a Ben-Gurion Society VIP reception (9-10 pm) for individuals who contribute $1000 or more to the Annual Campaign. Tickets for the Latke Ball are $25 online or $35 at the door.
Date: Monday, December 24 - Tuesday, December 25
Time: 9pm to 2am
Place: Ruby Skye, 420 Mason St, San Francisco
Sponsored by: Young Adults Division, JCF
Contact: YAD, 415.512.6280,
An Introduction to Jewish Texts, Holidays, and Lifecycle
Back to Basics
Join us as we explore the sea of Jewish texts, the yearly cycle of Jewish time and celebration, and the significant moments of passage in our own lives. This is a great opportunity to keep up with our students, to ask questions, and to become knowledgeable about basic Jewish concepts and practices.
Taught by Rabbis Dennis Eisner & Karen Citrin
Date: Sundays, January 6, 13, 27, February 3, 10, 24 and March 2, 2007
Time: 9:30 – 11:00 am
Place: in the Library at Peninsula Temple Beth El, 1700 Alameda de las Pulgas, San Mateo
Cost: $18, includes the text Living Judaism: The Complete Guide to Jewish Belief, Tradition and Practice.
For more info call 650 341 7701, website:
Pajama Party
Kids in second grade and under, along with their grownups, are invited to join Linda “Rainbow” Levine for these special events. Come in Pjs and be home by bedtime!
Dates: Jan. 26 and March 8
Time: 6:30 to 8pm
Place: Shir Hadash, 20 Cherry Blossom Ln., Los Gatos
Cost: $10/family per evening
for mor info or to rsvp contact Shanda at
Dawn C. Kepler, Director
Building Jewish Bridges: Outreach to Interfaith Couples
300 Grand Ave.
Oakland, CA 94610
(510) 839-2900 x347 or (925) 943-1484