Dear Interfaith Families and Friends,
Passover just a few days away: Saturday, April 19 at sundown
Passover will be here very soon and some of you are looking for information for your own home seder, others want to find a community seder. I’m listing a lot of community seders below. You can check www.planitjewish.com for seders or you can call me or the volunteer at Jewish Community Information and Referral at 415-777-4545. Check the website first as Gail at JCI&R urges every congregation and agency to put their events on the community calender there.
If you are in the East Bay you can go to www.jfed.org and scroll down to Passover Happenings. Click on that you will get a long list of Passover programs taking place in the East Bay. Thank you to the ever resourceful Tanya at the Federation for compiling this!!
Passover resources for children
I received this message from Rabbi Menachem Creditor of Netivot Shalom. Take a look at this online Haggadah. It looks good for children. You can download it at make as many copies as you have kids. Some of you specifically told me you are looking to keep little ones engaged at the table.
A dear friend of mine who is also a gifted educator, Alex Weinberg, has shared the latest version of his Haggadah that he wrote last year for my children, but have since shared with his community and friends. The Haggadah is designed for families of all ages and has space on each page for children (or adults) to illustrate the page.
To use this Haggadah at your Seder, print out a master copy and then share pages with your participants (before Pesah). Have them illustrate different pages of the Haggadah. Collect the pages before the Sederim and give them to a local copy shop where they can make double sided, spiral bound booklets to use at your Seder. At the Seder be sure to have the participants who illustrated each page explain their drawings—it is a great way for them to be included in the discussions and to become leaders at your Seder!
Instructions from Alex are below, and I recommend it very highly
Chag Sameach, Menachem Creditor
You can download the Haggadah here: http://www.alexweinberg.org/haggadahnew2008.pdf
Fast Seder
Someone on this list bought a book called, 30 minute Seder. She told that there is also online downloadable music. It looks like you can buy it online too. www.the30minuteseder.com
Here’s a terrific booklet from Project Welcome ~
Personalizing Passover
New Jewish Magazine
A few months ago I told you about a new magazine - Jewish Living. They seem to be in the bumpy start phase in terms of their website. But take a look. I went ahead and subscribed because there’s nothing else like them.

Jewish Summer Camp Scholarship Money
I want to remind you to think about summer camp now. If you want to get an $1800 scholarship for your child you must apply soon.
Camp Tawonga - here in our own area was named one of the top ten Jewish summer camps in Jewish Living Magazine -
Camp Tawonga: http://www.tawonga.org/
Article: http://www.jewishlivingmag.com/top10/top10_summercamps.php
Prospective Member Gathering (Oakland)
Meditation Minyan (Berkeley)
Passover Seder Prep (San Francisco)
Beginning Jewish Living, Part 2: Living a Life of Holiness (San Rafael)
Spiritual Preparation for the Exodus (Berkeley)
Freedom Seder (Oakland)
A Festive Learning Seder for Families (Pleasanton)
Young Family Shabbat (Redwood City)
JCCSF First Night Community Seder (San Francisco)
Congregational Community Seder (Walnut Creek)
Congregational Seder (Berkeley)
Passover Seder (Albany)
Intergenerational Community Seder (San Francisco)
Second Night Passover Seder (Milbrae)
Community Passover Seder 2008 (Tiburon)
More than Four Questions (El Cerrito)
Community Passover Seder at Chabad (Piedmont)
12th Annual Passover Freedom Seder (San Francisco)
Community Passover Seder (Castro Valley)
Vocolot (Emeryville)
Yom HaZikharon (Oakland)
Prospective Member Gathering
Are you looking for Jewish Community? Spirituality? Study Groups? New Friendships? Then please attend our prospective member gathering. It is a great way to meet our clergy and staff, tour the synagogue and ask questions.
Date: Friday, April 11
Time: 6pm
Place: Temple Sinai, 2808 Summit St., Oakland
For more information or to RSVP, please contact Gabby at (510) 451-3263 x211 or gabby@oaklandsinai.org
Tot Shabbat will also be tonight - at 6:30pm.
Meditation Minyan
led by Rabbi Carol Caine
This service is an alternative to the main service taking place in the sanctuary. The service includes chanting sacred phrases from the liturgy and periods of silence, with intentions woven in from the week's parsha or from where we are in the Jewish year cycle. The meditation service ends at 10:30, with participants then invited to join the main service in the sanctuary. We encourage people to try and arrive by 9:30, so that we can set our intentions together, but please don't stay away if you arrive later, just please enter the room quietly.
Date: Saturday, April 12
Time: 9:30 to 10:30am
Place: Netivot Shalom, 1316 University Ave., Berkeley - meets in Room 5 upstairs.
The meditation minyan meets every month, on the second Shabbat of the month, so please feel free to come in the future if you can't make this one.
Passover Seder Prep
Passover is one of the most celebrated of Jewish holidays and it is not ALL about the food. Whether you are hosting a Seder in your home or want to attend a Seder with more understanding, this workshop will be all you need. Temple Haggadah, Cantor Barak's CD, and menu suggestions/recipes for Seder meals included. No charge, but space is limited.
Date: April 13
Time: 3:30pm
Place: Guild Hall, Emanu-El, 2 Lake Street, San Francisco
Contact: Frana Price at (415) 751-2541 ext. 151 or fprice@emanuelsf.org
Beginning Jewish Living, Part 2: Living a Life of Holiness
with Rabbi Noa Kushner
The word 'spirituality' seems to be everywhere these days, but what does it truly mean to pursue a modern life of holiness? Required book: A Book of Life, by Rabbi Michael Strassfeld.
Date: Tuesday, April 15
Time: 7:30 - 8:50 pm
Place: Rodef Sholom, 170 No. San Pedro Road, San Rafael
for more info call Jerrine at (415) 479-3441
Spiritual Preparation for the Exodus
Why is this night different from all other nights? In the course of the Passover Seder, matzah is transformed from the "bread of affliction" to the token of liberation. The matzah of liberation must be whole; yet we begin the Seder ritual by breaking a matzah in half – later internalizing it as the afikomen. How do we understand our own journeys from oppression to liberation? What brokenness in ourselves must be internalized before we can move to liberation? How we can open ourselves more fully to embrace the other – within and without – as we remember "the heart of the stranger for we were strangers in the Land of Mitzrayim… Join Rabbi Yoel Kahn for an evening of spiritual preparation for Passover, exploring these and other questions as we prepare for Passover.
Date: Wednesday, April 16
Time: 7:30pm
Place: Beth El, 1301 Oxford St., Berkeley
Info: 510-848-3988
Freedom Seder
Join us as we welcome the greater community to celebrate with us the universal theme of freedom from oppression as we strengthen our bonds with each other. We will share the music and ritual of traditional Seder, special readings, and delicious Passover desserts. We encourage you to invite your non-Jewish friends.
Date: Thursday April 17
Time: 7pm
Place: Temple Sinai, 2823 Webster St., Oakland
For info call Gabby at 510.451.3263
A Festive Learning Seder for Families
Why is this night different from all other nights? Find out!
Learn more about the Passover holiday Tips for infusing your Seder with holiday fun. No experience required
Date: Thursday, April 17
Time: 6:30pm
Place: Faz Restaurant 5121 Hopyard Rd. Pleasanton
Cost: $40 per adult $18 children ages 4-12 Free for children 3 and under
Sponsored by The Jewish Community Federation of The Greater East Bay Regional Office, Faz Restaurant, Center for Jewish Living and Learning, and The Shalom Chapter of Hadassah
Info: Tanya Shore: (925) 943-5238 or tanya@jfed.org
Young Family Shabbat
Services are at 6:15pm and dinner follows at 7pm in the Social Hall. Please come meet us.
Date: Friday, April 18
Time: Services at 6:15; Dinner at 7pm
Place: Temple Beth Jacob, 1550 Alameda De Las Pulgas, Redwood City
Cost: Adults $14; Kids (ages 4 to 12) $9; Little kids (2-3) $3
RSVP by 5pm on Wed., April 16
Info: 650-366-8481 or tbj@templebethjacob.org
JCCSF First Night Community Seder
With Rabbi Eve Ben-Ora, JCCSF Jewish Educator
Join our community on the first night of Passover to retell the story of the Jewish people's journey from slavery to freedom. Participate in the telling of the story, sing old and new favorites, ask questions and find the afikomen. A traditional kosher seder meal will be served.

Date: April 19 Saturday
Time: 6:30pm
Place: JCC of San Francisco, 3200 California St., San Francisco
Cost: $55.00 - Adults; $35.00 - Seniors and Students; $25.00 - Children; Children under 5 free
Limited seating, call to reserve your space at 415.292.1233.
Congregational Community Seder
Join Rabbi Raffi Asher and Cantor Jennie Chabon for a fully catered seder. This event fills up quickly and you should sign up soon! Menu choices from the caterer are Beef Brisket or Stuffed Zucchini. Of course there will be all the Passover fixings.
Date: Sunday, April 20
Time: 5:45pm
Place: B’nai Tikvah, 25 Hillcroft Way, Walnut Creek
Cost: $55/adults and $30/child age 4 to 12
Call for more details to 925-933-5397
Or just send your check payable to Congregation B’nai Tikvah to the address above.
Congregational Seder
led by Rabbi Cohen

Rabbi Yonatan Cohen, very friendly man.
This Pesach, join your CBI family for a community celebration of the Second Seder. WE will learn, share, eat, and celebrate our exodus from Mitzraim! Catered fleischig meal with ample vegetarian options.
Date: Sunday, April 20
Time: 8:15 pm
Place: Congregation Beth Israel, 1630 Bancroft Way, Berkeley
Cost: Adults $50, Children 6-12 $18
Info: 510.843.5246 www.cbiberkeley.org
Passover Seder
You, your family and friends are invited to join Kol Hadash for a unique humanist Passover seder service and Sephardic catered meal. Join us as we rededicate ourselves to the ideals of freedom for all people. Service led by Rabbi Jay Heyman, with music by Bon Singer.
Date: Sunday, April 20
Time: 6:00 pm
Place: Albany Community Center, 1249 Marin Avenue, Albany
Sponsored by: Kol Hadash
Cost: Adult (13 and over) $65.00; child 4-12 $25.00
Pay: By Mail-send with your check to Kol Hadash Passover Seder, P. O. Box 2777, Berkeley, CA 94710.
Info: Alana Shindler Phone: (510) 551-6137 or passover@kolhadash.org
http://www.kolhadash.org for more information.
Intergenerational Community Seder
Our lively 2nd night intergenerational seder with your participation begins at 6:30 PM. Adults with have the choice of the following entrees: chicken, salmon, mushroom caps.
Children under nine: chicken nuggets and mashed potatoes.
Optional childcare is available for ages 3-9 with reservation.
Date: Sunday, April 20
Time: 6:00 pm
Place: Beth Israel-Judea, 625 Brotherhood Way, San Francisco
Cost: Adults $22.00, Child $11.00, Childcare $8.00
For information, please call Marcia Brooks at 415.586.8833, x25 for reservations.
Second Night Passover Seder
Second Night Passover Seder for the Whole Family. Join us for this child and family friendly celebration.
Sponsored by: Peninsula Temple Sholom
Date: Sunday, April 20
Time: 6:30 pm
Place: Airport Westin Hotel, 1 Old Bayshore Highway, Millbrae
Cost: Adults $45.00; Child (6-13) $35.00; Child (under 6) $23.00
Pay: By Mail
Info contact: Georgina Baca Phone: (650) 697-2266 or gbaca@sholom.org
Community Passover Seder 2008
Join with the Kol Shofar community for a joyous and inspiring participatory Second Night Passover Seder led by Rabbi Chai Levy. The evening will be filled with music, stories, teachings, discussion and food! A delicious Kosher-for-Pesach dinner from Mangia Nosh will be served. Open to members and non-members alike, and appropriate for adults and older children. Dinner will be served at approximately 9:15pm. We'll have plenty of food to nosh on beforehand!
Date: Sunday, April 20
Time: 7:30pm
Congregation Kol Shofar, 215 Blackfield Drive, Tiburon
If you have any questions please contact Adam Eisendrath at 415-388-1818 x 18.
Space is limited. Reservations are taken on a first come, first serve basis. Payment in full must accompany this form (http://www.kolshofar.org/getDoc.do?sid=258) and be received by April 15, 2008 Mail to: 215 Blackfield Drive, Tiburon, CA 94920 or Fax to: 415-388-5423
Visit http://www.kolshofar.org for more information.
More than Four Questions:
A Seder for those seeking connection to Jewish life
Are you seeking connections to Jewish life and community? Do you want to explore Jewish identity in an open environment? Then this Passover Seder is for YOU! Join us to explore your questions about Jewish identity, and how to connect with Jewish life and community as we: tell the Passover story, carry out the rituals, and enjoy the Seder meal. No experience necessary!

Rabbi Bridget at Jewish Gateways, she's just as nice as she looks.
Date: Sunday, April 20
Time: 5:45pm
Place: JGate: Your Gateway to Jewish Life, 409 Liberty St., El Cerrito
Info: 510.559.8140 www.jgate.org
Cost: Potluck or a $10 donation
Community Passover Seder at Chabad
Enjoy the holiday of freedom in the warm company of friends and family! Join us for an inspirational Seder, complete with authentic hand-baked Shmurah Matzah, four royal cups of kosher wine, and a gourmet Passover dinner, all in a royal and traditional setting.
Date: April 20
Time: 6:45 - 8:45 pm
Place: Piedmont Community Hall 711 Highland Ave, Piedmont
Space is very limited. All Jews, regardless of background or affiliation, are welcome to join.
12th Annual Passover Freedom Seder
With Rabbi Elisheva Salamo
Experience an innovative Seder and delicious holiday meal. special guest speakers address various aspects of social and economic justice through moving personal stories
We are very excited that Be'chol Lashon representative, Dr. Denise Davis, will be helping to lead the service with Rabbi Elisheva Salama this year. This will be a multicultural Passover seder filled with education, dialogue and celebration. The crossing of the Red Sea from slavery to freedom during the Exodus was experienced by the ancient Israelites, but its message has been central to many liberation movements throughout history. Our historical and continuing struggles for freedom and justice are honored at this special, kosher seder meal.
Date: Friday, April 25
Time: 6:30pm
Place: San Francisco JCC, 3200 California St., San Francisco
Cost: $30
Info: 415-292-1200
Community Passover Seder
The Community, including unaffiliated and interfaith families, is invited to join the Congregation in a great festive retelling of the liberation of the Jewish people from slavery. The Seder will feature Passover songs and music. A Kosher-style holiday meal will be served. The service will be led by Rabbinic Intern Carla Fenves.
Date: Saturday, April 26
Time: 5:30 pm
Place: Castro Valley Community Center, 18988 Lake Chabot Rd. Castro Valley
Cost: Adult $30.00; Child (12 & under) $10.00
Pay: At Event, By Mail
Send registration information and payment by check made out to:
Congregation Shir Ami to: Congregation Shir Ami attn: Barbara Heimowitz 4529 Malabar Avenue Castro Valley, CA 94546
the World's Best Jewish Music Ensemble
Vocolot is going to Amsterdam! Please help them prepare for the competition
to be held in May. Join them at their Bon Voyage House Concert.
Opening for Vocolot: Ira & Julia Levin
Refreshment reception following the show
Date: Saturday, April 26
Time: 7:30pm
Place: Doyle Street Cohousing Complex, 5514 Doyle Street, Emeryville
Doors open at 6:45pm
Minimum Donation: $10
Reservations Recommended: Vocolot@mindspring.com
We will ask for your feedback after the show
Fundraising donations for our trip can be made to:
Yom HaZikharon
Join us as we remember those who have fallen in defense of the State of Israel. An evening of Israeli culture presented by members of our East Bay Israeli community will follow the commemoration.
Date: Tuesday, May 6
Time: 7:30 p.m.
Place: Temple Beth Abraham, 327 MacArthur Blvd., Oakland
Admission is free.
For more information: marilyn@jfed.org or call 510.839.2900 ext.256.
DAWN '08
The Contemporary Jewish Museum and Reboot, are pleased to announce DAWN '08, an all-night, arts and culture festival and celebration of Shavuot at the grand opening of the Contemporary Jewish Museum, offering guests the opportunity to groove, learn, explore and mingle at the Museum's new building and exhibition space before the doors open to the public the following morning.
Date: Saturday, June 7
Time: 8pm - Sunrise
The new building is located on Mission Street between 3rd & 4th streets in San Francisco
Co-presented with Reboot