New Mamas group starting (see below)
Dear Interfaith Families and Friends,
You haven’t heard from me for quite a few weeks - that’s because I’m a one-woman program and when things get crazy I don’t have back up. So I’ve decided to ask you if you can help out.
Could you give time to helping me?
Here are some tasks you could do.
Come into my office in Oakland and help with:
*data input
*stuffing envelopes for a mailing
At your home:
*spend 15 minutes a week or 15 minutes a month researching events for this newsletter - could be just from your city or anywhere in the bay area
*post Building Jewish Bridges events to the internet sites like planitjewish or bayjews
*be a buddy to other interfaith families in your area, make a call, have coffee, invite them over, take them to synagogue with you
How about it? Would you be willing to help? Give me a call, 510-839-2900 x347, or email me at dawn@jfed.org
Holidays just ahead: Lag B’Omer and Shavuot
Lag B’Omer, Friday, May 23
One-day suspension of the traditional mourning period during Sefirat HaOmer ("The Counting of the Omer"). On this day, a plague afflicting Rabbi Akiva's students ceased. Also commemorates Bar Kochba's recapture of Jerusalem from the Romans. Celebrated with picnics and nature outings. Sefirat HaOmer is a seven-week period that begins the second night of Pesach and ends at Shavuot. The 32 mourning days during this time commemorate the deaths of Rabbi Akiva's students. Traditionally, weddings, festivities, and haircuts are prohibited during this time.
(from www.jholidays.com)
I love Shavuot. It is one of the three pilgrimage holidays when Jews in ancient times made pilgrimage to Jerusalem to offer a special sacrifice at the Temple. If you read Arthur Waskow’s Seasons of our Joy, you’ll learn about the activities that took place in the ancient Temple. It was magnificent and makes you want to step back in time. In modern times we observe the holiday by studying all night in commemoration of the giving of the Torah at Mount Sinai. You can find additional information and links at www.jholidays.
Are you a new mama living in Alameda county? Have a friend or family member who is? Send them to me for Welcoming Your Jewish Baby? Whether You’re Jewish or Not. I’ve had Jewish mamas, non-Jewish mamas, mamas who are thinking of converting. We have a great time with the babies. See a full description below and call me at 510-839-2900 x347 or email me at dawn@jfed.org.

Toddler Time (Oakland)
Rock & Roll Shabbat (Oakland)
Israel Through the Eyes of a Bedouin Israeli (San Francisco)
Tots 'n Torah Shabbat Services (Burlingame)Musical Shabbat (San Leandro)
Ethical Journeys: Traveling By God's Word (Berkeley)
Torah on the Trails (San Rafael)
Lag B'Omer Picnic in the Park (San Ramon)
Jewish PlayGroup (Walnut Creek)
Jewish Time (San Francisco)
Film- Close to Home (Los Altos)
Author Talk: Emuna Elon (Walnut Creek)
Film: ARRANGED (San Francisco)
Neshama Carlebach in Concert (Berkeley)
Israel in the Gardens (San Francisco)
Welcoming Your Jewish Baby...Whether You’re Jewish or Not (Oakland)
Israel at 60: Accomplishments, Challenges and Hopes for the Future (Berkeley)
DAWN '08 (San Francisco)
Celebrate The Joy of Shabbat (Berkeley)
Toddler Time
Have you got a baby or toddler itching to jump and play, but who isn’t yet old enough for Preschool? Here comes a toddler focused class, combining elements of Gymboree, Music Together, Kinder gym, etc., into a fun-filled, free, forty-five minutes of song & action. Toddler Time is open to Temple Sinai members, Temple Sinai Preschool families, and to people who might be interested in learning more about the Temple¼ so let your friends know about this great opportunity!
Dates: Fridays
Time: 11:45am to 12:30pm
Place: Temple Sinai, in Stern Hall, 2808 Summit St., Oakland
Info: Heather Meil at (510) 420-8489 or heather_meil@hotmail.com
Rock & Roll Shabbat
This time, this special service will honor the teachers of our pre-school, Gan Avraham. As always, the more the merrier. From Rabbi Mark Bloom, leader of the band!
Date: Friday, May 16
Time: 6:15pm
Place: Temple Beth Abraham, 327 MacArthur Blvd., Oakland
for more information call the office at 510-832-0936
Go check out Rock & Roll Shabbat, everyone loves it. It was written up in the East Bay Express. You’ll love Rabbi Bloom. I know loads of members there and they are very nice. There are quite a few Jews of color at this congregation so that’s another reason to love it.
Israel Through the Eyes of a Bedouin Israeli
A Conversation With Israeli Vice Consul Ismail Khaldi
Hear about some of the hottest topics affecting Israel, along with the unique challenges of being the first Bedouin in the Israeli Foreign Ministry and a Muslim representing the Jewish state.At services on Friday, May 16.
Date: Friday, May 16
Time: 6:30pm
Place: Sherith Israel
For more information contact Aviva Hicks at ahicks@sherithisrael.org or 415-346-1720 ext 24. Aviva is extremely nice. You can ask her about any of the events at Sherith Israel.
Tots 'n Torah Shabbat Services
For families with infants to children 5 years old.
Date: Friday, May 16 and June 20 (always the third Friday of each month)
Time: 6:30 p.m.
Place: Peninsula Temple Sholom, 1655 Sebastian Dr., Burlingame
For more information call 650-697-2266 .
Musical Shabbat
Participate along with our Temple Orchestra and Choir. These spirited services are held in the main sanctuary.
Date: Friday, May 16
Time: 8:00pm
Place: Beth Sholom, 642 Dolores Ave., San Leandro
Ethical Journeys: Traveling By God's Word
Rachel Biale, Regional Director of the Progressive Jewish Alliance will invite us to explore themes of ethical journeying and hospitality in Jewish texts, and learn about how to put those teachings into action through the PJA's Just Journeys Campaign. Just Journeys is a new initiative in support of America's hotel workers, among the most disenfranchised U.S. workers today, crafted by the Progressive Jewish Alliance, Jewish Funds for Justice, and the National Jewish Labor Committee.
Date: Saturday, May 17
Time: 1:15pm
Place: Netivot Shalom, 1316 University Ave., Berkeley
Torah on the Trails
Meet Rabbi Lezak and other hikers in the parking lot and then head out for a Shabbat experience on the trails.
Date: May 17
Time: meet at 8:30am
Place: Parking lot of Rodef Sholom, 170 No. San Pedro Rd., San Rafael
for more information call (415) 479-3441
Lag B'Omer Picnic in the Park
Come meet us at our Lag B'Omer picnic, Sunday, May 18 at Athan Downs Park at Montevideo and Davona in San Ramon. We'll meet near the play area (and bathrooms!) for games, learning and socializing in honor of the "Scholars' Holiday." Bring your own picnic lunch. We'll provide juice and cookies.
Date: Sunday, May 18
Time: 10:30am
Place: Athan Downs Park, San Ramon
For more info call (925) 485-1049
Sponsored by the Tri Valley Cultural Jews
Jewish PlayGroup
Join a playgroup for families with children under 6. Circle time, Jewish holiday activities, and fun games. Schmooze while your children play. Everyone is welcome- bring your friends! A great way to meet families in our community - we'd love to meet you.
FREE of course!
Dates: May 18, (Meets one Sunday a month)
Time: 10:00 - 11:15am
Place: Contra Costa JCC, Room 6, 2071 Tice Valley Blvd., Walnut Creek
For info or to RSVP jenny@jfed.org or 925-943-6613
Jewish Time
Did you know that Jewish time has its own dimensions? It ebbs and flows with the moon, has holidays which speed up and slow down time. There are fasts and feasts and passages of life. Jewish time is a beautiful thing. Come and learn with other adults who seek new perspectives on the concepts of Jewish time.
Dates: Monday evenings, May 19 and June 2
Time: 7:30 - 9:00pm
Place: Beth Israel-Judea, 625 Brotherhood Way, San Francisco
Class continues for two more weeks - go and tell me what you learned.
Film- Close to Home
Close to Home is an army buddy movie - but these buddies happen to be young women Israeli soldiers. Vidi Bilu and Dalia Hager’s feature transcends politics and borders with the strength of its storytelling and the universality of its characters. This is a unique view of the female experience of military service at a time of heightened security concerns, and it is a well-crafted coming-of-age tale about the friendship between two opposites.
Date: Maay 24
Time: 4 p.m.
Place: In Rooms 5 & 6 at Beth Am, 26790 Arastradero Road, Los Altos Hills
Free; Refreshments.
For more info call: 650-493-4661
Author Talk: Emuna Elon
Jewish National Book Award Finalist and author of IF YOU AWAKEN LOVE will speak on her book.
Date: Thursday, May 27
Time: 6:30pm Wine & Cheese Reception; 7:00pm Lecture
Place: Contra Costa JCC, 2071 Tice Valley Blvd., Walnut Creek
Suggested Donation: $6
For more information contact Riva at 510-839-2900 x253 or email riva@jfed.org
by Stefan Schaefer & Diane Crespo
United States, 2007, 89 Min
Two young women-- Rochel, an Orthodox Jew and Nasira, a Muslim-- meet and become friends during their first year teaching at a public school in Brooklyn. This excellent drama chronicles a friendship that crosses cultures and reveals that the two women share much in common-not least of which is the fact that they are both going through arranged marriages. "A pure pleasure to watch ... splendidly natural performances." - Ronnie Scheib, Variety
Date: Wednesday, May 28
Time: 7:30 pm
Place: Yerba Buena Center for The Arts, 701 Mission Street (corner of 3rd), San Francisco
Ticket Prices: $8 general/$6 Jewish Film Forum and YBCA members, students, seniors
Seating is limited - Advance purchase recommended For tickets, visit ybca.org or call: 415.978.ARTS (2787)
Neshama Carlebach in Concert
One of the leading superstars in Jewish entertainment, Neshama Carlebach is continuing the legacy established by her father, Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach. Like her father, Neshama's talent and charisma captivate and endear her to people of all ages and backgrounds. She continues to both deeply move and entertain as she sings her father's incomparable melodies as well as inspiring original compositions. Post-concert reception.
Date: Thursday, May 29
Time: 7:30 pm.
Place: Netivot Shalom, 1316 University Ave., Berkeley
More info and tickets ($36) at: http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/32851
Proceeds support scholarships at Netivot Shalom's preschool and religious school.
Israel in the Gardens
Northern California's Largest Annual Jewish Cultural Festival
Join close to 20,000 members of the Bay Area Jewish community for Israel in the Gardens- a day for local Jews to celebrate our culture and to toast the 60th anniversary of Israel's independence and 60 years of cooperation between America and Israel.
Activities will include music, dance, art, fashion, fun for kids and teens, and lots of food!
Admission to this family-friendly event is free and open to the public. For more information, including a detailed schedule of the day's events, visit www.israelinthegardens.org.
Date: Sunday, June 1
Time: 11am - 5pm
Place: Yerba Buena Gardens, San Francisco
Welcoming Your Jewish Baby...Whether You’re Jewish or Not
Join us for a discussion group for Moms and Babies (age newborn to 6 months). Topics include: Support for Moms with new Babies; Jewish Resources for Mom, Baby and Family; Getting your Groove Back and Adjusting to the New Normal. Jewish topics include: Jewish baby welcoming ceremonies, home celebrations, making memories.
Dates: Five sessions starting Tuesday, June 3
Time: 1 to 2:30pm
Place: We are being hosted by Beth Jacob for this session, 3778 Park Blvd., Oakland
Cost: $36
For more information or to register, call Dawn at 510-839-2900 x347 or email dawn@jfed.org
Israel at 60: Accomplishments, Challenges and Hopes for the Future
A Talk by Neal Levy, Director, SF Israel Center
Neal Levy immigrated to Israel at the age of 18. Following his military service, he completed his BA at UC Berkeley and went on to serve as regional director of Young Judaea in Northern California, and later in Israel. In 1988, Neal became director of then-Jerusalem Mayor Teddy Kollek's re-election campaign headquarters, and then went on to work with the mayor at the Jerusalem Foundation. Neal served as Director of International Development at the Yitzhak Rabin Center and returned to the Bay Area in July 2006 to direct the Israel Center.
Date: Friday evening, June 6
Time: following the 8pm Shabbat Service
Place: Beth El, 1301 Oxford St., Berkeley
Co sponsored by The Israel Relations Committee
DAWN '08
The Contemporary Jewish Museum and Reboot, are pleased to announce DAWN '08, an all-night, arts and culture festival and celebration of Shavuot at the grand opening of the Contemporary Jewish Museum, offering guests the opportunity to groove, learn, explore and mingle at the Museum's new building and exhibition space before the doors open to the public the following morning.
Date: Saturday, June 7
Time: 8pm - Sunrise
The Contemporary Jewish Museum - The new building is located on Mission Street between 3rd & 4th streets in San Francisco
Co-presented with Reboot
Celebrate The Joy of Shabbat
Hearty appetizers, nosh & visit Celebrate the Joy of Shabbat with the Joy of Shabbat musicians and special guests; then celebrate the Joy of Cantor Brian with a look back at memorable Purim Spiel moments and other fond memories of Cantor Brian's 20 years at Beth El.
Oneg dessert, visiting and an opportunity to express your appreciation to our dear Cantor Brian
RSVP This evening is free of charge, but we need to know how many people are coming so that we can ensure bountiful food.
Date: Friday evening, June 20
Call for details on time of services and celebration
Place: Beth El, 1301 Oxford St., Berkeley
call: 510-848-3988