There was art work -

And food - here's the kosher honey stand -

Synagogues. I saw Beth Am of Los Altos -

Kol Emeth of Palo Alto -

And there were friends -
Welsh Warren at the booth for Volunteers for Israel. Welsh retired, gosh, quite awhile ago. He took a part-time job in a coffee shop in Oakland where for years, he served my son a hot chocolate every morning. Welsh's congregation is Beth Abraham in Oakland.

Wendy Lash was there for Coastside Jewish Community, the Renewal synagogue in Half Moon Bay. Wendy leads Spirituality workshops and performs weddings. I've included a photo of her with a couple at their wedding.

Ellen Bob of bob and bob bookstore. Long live independent bookstores! Go shop there in Los Altos. You can get a lulav and etrog there right now.

Dave and Liz Bauer came by to say hello. They are on this list, members of Peninsula Temple Beth El. If you go, just sit with either of them; they are just as friendly as they look!

That's Sarah Bolder of the Progressive Jewish Alliance waving at the camera!

The Silicon Valley Jewish Film Festival

My brother and sister-in-law did bike over from their house to meet me for lunch. We were eating shwarma when my brother saw an old family friend. Judy is a dear friend of my mother's. From there we wandered on up the block. I found a drape for my sukkah! It will be a big improvement over last year's stark new, white sukkah. My sister-in-law found ice cream.
I'll show you pictures of my sukkah when I get it up.